Thursday, March 14

March 21: Read a bit in the Feel Free pamphlet

Feel Free is a Faroese pamphlet welcoming foreigners to the Faroe Islands. It is in many languages, but we are going to read the English text next lesson. 

Read a section or everything in the Feel Free pamphlet. See if you can open the pdf-file or find an actual copy. However, the text is also available below:

Feel Free
Welcome to the Faroes. Hopefully, you will 
feel at home and be able to create a good life 
for yourself in this country. 
As a resident in the Faroes you have 
certain rights and responsibilities, and this 
pamphlet offers you a snapshot of these. 
Feel free to ask if you need more information or support.

Enjoy Our Welfare Services!
The Faroes are a welfare community. our 
schools are free, and education is compulsory 
for at least 9 years, normally beginning at 
the age of 7. school registration takes place 
at your local school.Evening schools around 
the islands teach Faroese for foreigners. 
The first 20 hours are free of charge. For 
more information, please contact your local 
municipality or Kvøldskúlin in tórshavn, 
tel: 302472.
If you have a Faroese id-number, you 
have free access to hospital services, a family 
doctor and prescribed medicine. if you need 
to consult a doctor after working hours, you 
should dial: 1870.
Finding a job in the Faroes is your own 
responsibility. But the website
offers information about available jobs. 
if you need assistance, please contact the 
Unemployment Fund, Als, tel: 349550.
All municipalities in the Faroes offer 
some kind of childcare. most municipalities 
have public nurseries, kindergartens and 
private childcare. you can register your child 
for this at your local municipality.
Feel free to use the welfare services.

Share Your Culture, Religion 
and Opinion!
People in the Faroes have individual freedom, 
religious freedom and freedom of 
expression and association.
The Danish constitution, which also 
applies in the Faroes, states that personal 
liberty is inviolable. You cannot be subjected 
to any form of imprisonment for your 
political or religious convictions or your descent.
The lutheran-Evangelical church is the 
official church, but there are various other 
churches in the Faroes. According to the 
constitution, everyone is entitled to associate 
in communities to worship according to 
his or her convictions.
Feel free to practice your religion, feel 
free to voice your opinion and attend any 
cultural and political activities.

Do Not Accept Violence
Everyone has a right to a life without violence, 
and in the Faroes domestic violence is illegal. 
Violence against children or adults 
is illegal. Domestic violence is a pattern of 
many behaviours such as physical violence, 
emotional abuse, isolation, economic abuse, 
intimidation, and coercion and threats. 
These behaviours are often directed at 
achieving and maintaining control over 
another person.
Experiencing domestic violence can 
lead to emotional traumas such as depression, 
panic attacks and substance abuse. 
in addition, children exposed to domestic 
violence are at risk of having developmental 
problems, aggressive behaviour, and low 
Domestic violence is never acceptable. it 
is illegal. According to the penal code, 
physical violence is punishable by up to three 
years’ imprisonment, and a person who 
threatens violence can be sentenced up to 
two years’ imprisonment.
The Faroese law is in accordance with the 
international Declaration of Human rights, 
which states: no one shall be subjected to 
torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading 
treatment or punishment. 
The Faroes are a community founded on 
the rule of law. The police, hospital staff and 
social services are not corrupt and cannot 
be bribed. And asking for help will not in 
any way threaten your right to stay in the 
 if you are subject to domestic violence or 
need advice on how to avoid being violent, 
feel free to call the authorities or one of the 
hotlines listed in this pamphlet. 
Feel free to reject domestic violence.

For more information, advice or help, feel 
free to call any of these hotlines:

ÚtlEnDinGAstoVAn – The immigration office - 
consults in matters regarding residence 
and permission to work in 
the Faroes. tel. 357979 (weekdays 9-15),

rÆttArHJálP FØroyA – legal Aid – 
offers legal aid by professional lawyers free of 
charge. tel. 319823 (tuesday 18-20, Thursday 

sJálVHJálPin – The self Help centre in 
tórshavn - offers professional advice free 
of charge. tel. 280005 (weekdays 12-16),

KVinnUHÚsið - The Women´s shelter in 
tórshavn - helps women who are subjected 
to domestic violence. tel.: 317200,

FrÓðsKAPArsEtrið – The University of 
the Faroe islands – can guide you on how to 
get your education recognised in the Faroese 
system. tel. 352500,

AlmAnnAVErKið - The Welfare office – 
tel. 360000,

rÍKisUmBoðið – The High commissioner 
tel. 339233

PolitistØðin – The Police – tel. 351448,

nEyðArKAll – Emergency – tel: 112

You don’t need to be able to speak Faroese in 
order to contact these services. So feel free to 
ask for advice or call for help.